Jesus and Mary at the Garden Tomb

Mar 31, 2024

Sermon Notes: 3.31.24

Mary and the Tomb is the most prominent stained-glass window of First United Methodist Church. It is one of the largest windows and has the most noticeable spot, in the sanctuary facing Chestnut Street, easily admired from the inside and outside of the church. Like the other windows, it was designed by Jospeh Victor Llorens and installed in 1936 along with eight others. The window offers the most important message of Christ’ resurrection and power, reminding us that each day with Jesus is resurrection and life.

As you prepare for Easter worship, spend time with the scripture: John 20:1-18 and these questions: 1) What does the resurrection mean to you? 2) How has Jesus empowered you to tell others that He lives, and 3) How have you seen the Risen Lord today?

See you Sunday as we see the beauty and hear the story.

Rev. Sherri

PS This series was originally scheduled to end on Easter, but due to popular demand the series will continue to mid- April, now including the windows in the narthex and a reimagining of Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler.